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tv   BBC World News  PBS  February 17, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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>> without warning, the police came. tear gas, rubber bullets and even alive and grounds. the tools to end -- even live rounds. the tools to end a protest that had been peaceful. by the time they finished, hundreds were injured, at least three dead. they hoped to copy egypt's revolution, but this is what they got, bloodshed and tears. hundreds converged on the hospital to mourn their losses. this was the only safe place left for them to gather. >> in the last few minutes, we believe another body has been brought to the hospital. these are the people who would driven out of the center of manama in the middle of the night. they are angry and they have
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made this a temporary base. >> the full picture is too shocking to reveal, but clear evidence of the ammunition used against the protesters. >> he was sleeping. they shot him while he was asleep. that man, he is told the police, please, do not shoot. did they shoot him and he is dead. see what they do. he is dead. >> awards are full of the injured, including us -- the wards are full of the injured, including a surge in trying to help others, now a patient in his own hospital. >> they are saying, get upset. they will kill you.
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>> tonight, gulf ministers held an emergency meeting, a reflection of their fear that this crisis could ignite the region. >> how can you justify what has taken place in our country? >> the country was on the brink of an abyss. it was a very important step that had to have been and that, unfortunately, lead to death. >> this has been a long, difficult day for the country. with more demonstrations being talked about, the pain and the bloodshed may not be over yet. abc news, bahrain. >> -- bbc news, a rain. >> both europe and the united states have urged by rain to
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exercise restraint. >> it this excavates -- escalates, there could be sserious implications. bahrain has long been a strategic hub. it is also a pro-western haven in other ways. the regional banking center, and it is relatively liberal socially. but it is also vulnerable to unrest. the west fears a shia uprising that could give a iran a foot tall. >> of rain is a friend and ally, at -- bahrain is a friend and ally, and has been for many years, but we call on restraint. >> william hague has also urged
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restraint. he visited the kingdom only a week ago, but britain's close ties could prove to be a liability. among british exports are tear gas and other riot control equipment. >> we believed them to be for trial and evaluation purposes. we do now, in the circumstances, reveal all our exports. >> there is worry that the unrest could spread further. as oil prices rose today, a sign of the jittery markets varia. in yemen, street rallies continue. violent clashes are a regular occurrence. libya is also facing a change. last night, video posted on at
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the web that showed clashes in libya was the third biggest city. today, a libyan television showed only a pro-government rally. >> artifacts are still missing from the museum in cairo. authorities say a number of men have been arrested and that journalists have just been allowed inside since the unrest. >> it houses the secrets to the world's most mysterious and civilization. today, the egyptian museum is heavily guarded by the army, but on the first night of the uprising, the most priceless collection on her it was abandoned. thieves were busy planning a fire escape to the roof of the museum. this is arguably the greatest
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museum in the world, but it is also a very old building. according to egyptian authorities, the people that came into the building came through a skylight like this, dropping onto the museum floor. eight pieces are known to be missing and glass cabinets are smashed. three have since been recovered from the grounds of the building. among those still missing are a statue of a pharaoh and this one of touch and common being carried -- king that being carried by a goddess. >> they are faceless. they have no hearts. stupid. they will take a masterpiece. >> the most valuable masterpiece
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is the funeral mass coof king tut. you also see a fragile collection housed without temperature control or protection. on this occasion, authorities were lucky. damage to this valuable collection was limited and things to protesters who stood outside the museum to -- thanks to protesters to be stood aside the museum to protect it. >> thousands took easily to the streets on the west bank today, calling for a unity between rival factions. they are inspired by protests across the region and organizing through facebook. >> a rare show of palestinian unity. people calling on their political leaders to do the same. for more than three years, those
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leaders have not been listening. on the west bank, the secular fattah party led by mock mood a boss is losing control. -- mahmoud abbas is losing control. >> we want unity between the palestinian factions. our main demand is to speak with one of voice. >> today we want to end the divide. we are all arab voices in the region. we want unity. >> the split occurred shortly after hamas won the last palestinian election five years ago. the president announced fresh elections to be held later this year.
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hamas immediately rejected the proposal. today, the president seemed to back track. >> parliamentary elections only in the west bank are not acceptable. they have to include the west bank and gaza. without this, we will not go ahead. >> his words will frustrate many people here. >> these are by far the biggest demonstrations we have seen on the west bank in two weeks. thousands of people are gathering, people seemingly emboldened by events across the region. >> the deposed president of tunisia, ben ali, is said to be in grave condition. he suffered a stroke and slipped into a, two days ago. he fled to saudi arabia after the popular uprising ended his 23 year grip on power.
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two horses who died suddenly at a race course in britain or electrocuted. they died from heart attacks. the investigation has laid the blame on cables buried near the grass. a horse nearby survived because it was on a rubberized walkway. president and michelle obama will be making an official state visit, the first since president bush came in 2003. they are likely to stay in buckingham palace. an investigation is under way in vietnam where a tourist boat has sunk, killing 12 people. it was near a popular tourist destination. 11 foreigners and a tourist guide are among the dead. >> a protruding massed marks the spot.
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the grim task is to search the wreckage that lies beneath and to retrieve the bodies of those who went down with the boat. 12 people perished in these waters. most were foreign tourists. one by one, they are brought to the surface, gently laid ashore, and then taken to be formally identified. because of the disaster remains a mystery. and there was no warning, no clue of what was to come. to the investigation is already underway, and inevitable questions about safety standards on vietnamese tourist boats. but there are no answers to comfort the grieving. survivors still struggle to comprehend their escape. >> i thought there was something wrong here. the boat is going down. we jumped from the but then started swimming to the next boat.
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that but rescued us. >> this is one of the vietnam's most popular tourist spots. the stunning beauty attracts people from around the world. that beauty is now dimmed by tragedy and the memory of loved ones lost at sea. >> much more to come on bbc world news. stay with us if you can. missing fourth three years, how the chinese online community helped to reunite a father and son. first though, you will probably not find cannonballs in the english county of somerset, but years ago, we made some gruesome discoveries. >> our ancestors have been coming to this place for 40,000 years. it is full of clues about the way we involved.
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was it once tom to cannibals -- home to cannibals? experts think they have the answer. >> when we look at the corvettes, we can see cut marks -- orbits, we can see cut marks where the eyeballs were removed. we can start to build a much more detailed picture of how these people were treated. cannibalism is the most likely thing. what we cannot say is where these people kill to be eaten or did they die naturally? >> the skull is 15,000 years old, the oldest dated example in the world. it is not the only clue to our ancestors were eating each other. >> they fell in it is eyeing
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human remains which had been butchered it is -- they found human remains which had been butchered in the same way as animals. >> cannibalism is controversy ills. -- is controversial. fossils' suggested has been happening all over the worlds for as long as we have been around. a replica goes on display at the natural history museum next month. >> the latest headlines this hour. tanks and police are dominating the streets in the capital of bahrain. five priceless artefacts or stolen from the museum in cairo and they are still missing. this is a story that has gripped
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china. a three-year old boy kidnapped years ago has just been found and returned to his parents. thousands of children go missing in china every year. this story was solved by internet users. we report on the amazing homecoming and the way the net is changing china. >> the crowds brought to the town to a standstill. they welcomed back a boy they thought was lost forever. firecrackers exploded all around. the boy's return has kept millions transfixed. his father is a poor migrant worker is eyeing be solved the crime using a technology -- who solved the crime using a
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technology that is empowering people as never before, the internet. >> i want to thank everyone who helped me. >> it was an incredible feat, finding one boy in a country of over 1 billion. this is him three years ago, happy at home. he was snatched out by his parents shop. the kidnapper was filmed carrying him off during the night. the police could not find him. the authorities wanted the father to four get about his son, but he could not. so he went on line. the story was picked up by a journalist whose blog has millions of followers. over 100 million people now blog in china. they posted the boy's picture,
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asking for help. this is what came back. he was spotted two thousand kilometers away from where he was kidnapped. the men who took him had been bringing him up as his own son. his father headed barrethere. police investigated the site and returned with his son. father and son reunited. no matter where you go, i will find you, he told his son. the chinese people are discovering the power of the micro blog to force change. >> they break the monopoly on information. it can flow freely in china now. it will change a lot of things
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that have been hidden. >> this boy might have spent the rest of his life hidden away if it were not for the blog. celebrations went late into the day. >> the story of how he was found is truly an incredible one. for three years, police had no idea where the boy was. then his father appealed on the internet. in china, there are four hundred 50 million internet users. everything changed. >> it is a tale about the way the internet is starting to change lives in china. >> amazing stuff. now, this really does look like science fiction. researchers are developing artificial limbs, wheel chairs and computers that can be controlled by thought a lown.
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some are being showed off at -- thought alone. some are being shown off at a conference in washington, d.c. >> this man lost both of his arms in an accident. on his left hand is a new kind of artificial limb. it gives him almost as much control as a real hand. with it, he can pick things up, move them around with incredible precision. >> when you think about using the arm, we do it in a very natural way. if i reach out to pick up a cup of coffee, i do not think about how i have to move my elbow, my shoulder, my hand. i just reach out and pick up a cup of coffee. >> there are sensors on my arm and elbow. you can see it respond to me. let me see if i can pick up this fall.
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-- this bottle. there you go. in his case, the arm is being controlled by the nerve signals from his chest. the next up is to connected directly to the brain of patients. this wheelchair is being controlled by researchers in switzerland. the patient thinks about moving left, and it moves in that direction. tiny electrical signals are picked up by sensors in the cab. >> we are working with different aspects, scientifically addressing how to make it possible that people can communicate basic needs. >> with each day, a technology is making small but important differences to his life. he has not been able to put on his baseball cap by himself
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until now. >> getting better of that. definitely getting better. >> the playboy model who married a millionaire then died of a drug overdose is not the usual story for an opera, but it is the story of anna nicole smith. there is a lot of interest and how successful the opera about her proves to be. >> anna nicole has arrived at the royal opera house. it is a new opera from a respected british composer. he said his wife suggested the former playboy playmate as a subject, at which point he heard music. >> i immediately saw that she had a voice. i could see her singing on
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stage. i could not see david cameron, for instance, singing. she had something about her. >> and anna nicole smith was working in a strip club when she met a fun-loving billionaire. they came to admire each other's assets and married. q global celebrity. she found that fame and fortune did not buy happiness but lead to lawsuits and tragedy. the men behind the controversial production, and jerry springer the opera, has written the words. >> people confuse shock with the surprise. there are things that are comedic. the element of surprise is essential. i do not think that is controversial. if something is boring, i do not
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think you can do it. >> this set might look a bit kitsch and surreal, but behind it lies in a serious intent. it brings urgency to the art form and this place that they say would be lost if they relied purely on of the classics. >> there is more interest in new operas and there has been before. people are coming. >> love of the show are loath it, the producers will argue that the arts should support and risk taking and that their production has struck the right note. >> finally, a powerful eruption in that space. the strongest flare from the sun
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in the years has been seen. beyond these a great views, and nasa is warning that this could disrupt powered grids and satellite communication over the next few days. you will find that and much more any time at thank you for watching. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold, get the hamas top stories from around the globe and click-to-play video reports. go to to experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank.
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>> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet los angeles.
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> lehrer: good evening. i'm jim lehrer. the foreign minister of bahrain said today a police assault on protesters was necessary to bring the country back from the brink of a sectarian abyss.
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>> brown: and i'm jeffrey brown. on the "newshour" tonight: we have the latest on the violent crackdown and examine the civil unrest spreading in the arab world. >> lehrer: then, two takes on state budget problems. ray suarez reports on the wisconsin firestorm over taking away collective bargaining rights for public employees. >> brown: and betty ann bowser looks at the move in arizona and elsewhere to cut medicaid funding. >> this state is no different than most of the others. it has a major budget crisis and some of the remedies under consideration by officials here would be painful. >> lehrer: senators saxby chabliss and mark warner discuss their bipartisan approach to addressing the debt crisis. >> brown: plus, from mexico, bill neely of "independent television news" continues his series on the war against violent drug cartels. tonight: the story of one city's new 21-year old chief of police. >> lehrer: that's all ahead on tonight's "newshour."


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